Navigieren in Pfyn-Finges

Book «Wein und Natur»

Order this new book now | 17 scientific points of view on the subject! From biodynamics to hybrid vines and the fauna in the vineyards... This book offers an overview of knowledge and field experience in Valais.

Reusable cup rental

Thanks to the use of reusable tableware, mountains of waste are reduced at events, energy is saved and resources are conserved. Whether for aperitifs, parties or other events, the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park and its partners offer the rental of up to 2,000 reusable cups.


Experience conviviality and enjoyment in the middle of the vineyards in the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park - with an exclusive multi-course menu and exquisite wines from our wine partners. 
Save the Date 23.08.25



News from the team (Kopie)

Jean-Pierre Balmer started his internship in the “Nature and Landscape” department at the beginning of August. He is aiming to study forest sciences at HAFL in Zollikofen in summer 2025.

Sylvain Crelier is also completing an internship in the “Nature and Landscape” department until the end of Feb...

Technology and nature weeks 2023 (Kopie)

The TuN Weeks will take place from July 24 - 28 (bilingue F/D) and from August 7 - 11 (D), 2023. Over five days, 10-12 year olds will experience a topic from the field of technology and nature: they will build, discover, research and discuss. The focus is on having fun and exploring technology, natu...

Great disappointment after the Federal Supreme Court ruling on the Passerelle

The Pfyn-Finges Nature Park has always supported the efforts of the municipality and civic community of Salgesch regarding the construction of the footbridge from the Pfynwald nature reserve to Salgesch. The negative decision by the Federal Supreme Court is sobering, disappointing and a missed oppor...

Repair Cafe

Repair instead of throwing away!

Have your faulty household appliances and broken clothing repaired on site by professionals from the industry. Your favorite items will last longer. You will also learn how to repair items, help protect the environment and save money. The repair is free of charge ...

Repair Cafe

Repair instead of throwing away!

Have your faulty household appliances and broken clothing repaired on site by professionals from the industry. Your favorite items will last longer. You will also learn how to repair items, help protect the environment and save money. The repair is free of charge ...

Ban on harmful, non-native plants - what can I do?

Since September 1, 2024, the sale of 53 plants has been prohibited, for example the butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii), cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) and the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima). These are non-native plants that are invasive and pose a threat to our health and biodiversity. Inv...

News from the team

Jean-Pierre Balmer started his internship in the “Nature and Landscape” department at the beginning of August. He is aiming to study forest sciences at HAFL in Zollikofen in summer 2025.

Sylvain Crelier is also completing an internship in the “Nature and Landscape” department until the end of Feb...

Regio Challenge 2024

Take part in the Regio Challenge from September 16 - 22, 2024!

The Swiss Small Farmers' Association is organizing the Regio Challenge for the sixth time. The idea behind it: a week of eating and drinking only what has been produced within cycling distance (approx. 30 km). With this week of action...

Tiger mosquito - appeal to the public

After spreading to several cantons since 2003, the tiger mosquito appeared on Valais territory for the first time in 2019. It is particularly undesirable because, unlike native species, it is active during the day. In addition to the discomfort caused by its bites, this species of mosquito can also ...

Free public transport - free travel for guests to the Swiss parks

When booking three or more nights' accommodation in a Swiss park, guests receive the outward and return journey on public transport for free! The offer is valid for travel from August 1 to October 31, 2024, or while stocks last. The Pfyn-Finges Nature Park is also a travel destination with 6 of its ...