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On the trail of the Valais hedgehogs: volunteers wanted

Since June, the occurrence of hedgehogs has been systematically investigated in four municipalities in Valais. The initial results of the "Hedgehog wanted" campaign look promising. However, volunteers are still urgently needed in the municipalities of Sion, Martigny and Monthey. Studies from other cantons show that there are far fewer hedgehogs around today than there were twenty years ago. However, it is not known how the prickly animal is faring in Valais, as there is a lack of meaningful data. This is where the Service for Forests, River Engineering and Landscape (DWFL) comes in with the "Hedgehog wanted" campaign of the "Wild Neighbors" project.

Systematic survey with tracking tunnels

The "Hedgehog wanted" campaign is the first systematic survey of hedgehogs in the Valais municipalities of Monthey, Martigny, Sion and Brig-Glis. To this end, so-called trail tunnels are being set up in private gardens and public green spaces in collaboration with committed Valais residents. These attract the prickly animals with the help of special bait and are equipped with strips of paint and paper. If a hedgehog goes through one of these tunnels, it leaves its paw prints behind. This makes it possible to see where hedgehogs are out and about at night.

Data will continue to be collected until October 5, 2020. In the municipalities of Sion, Martigny and Monthey, we are urgently looking for more volunteers who are willing to set up ten track tunnels each and check them for five consecutive days.

The public is also called upon to report hedgehog sightings on the platform The website can also be used to find out where hedgehogs have already been observed and how you can make your garden or the area around your home hedgehog-friendly.

"Hedgehog wanted" and Wild Neighbors Valais / Nos voisins sauvages Valais

The "Hedgehog wanted" project is funded by the DWFL of the canton of Valais and takes place as part of the Wild Neighbors Valais / Nos voisins sauvages Valais reporting platform for wildlife observations. The reporting platform is supported by the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park and the Binntal Landscape Park, while Fauna.vs, La Murithienne and the Valais Nature Museum are involved in the support group.

For further information

Barbara Molnar, biologist at the Service for Forests, River Engineering and Landscape, Nature and Landscape Section, tel. 027 606 32 21,

Anaïs Binggeli, Nos Voisins Sauvages Valais, c/o SWILD, Zurich, tel. 078 679 26 24,
