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Nature park and climate protection

According to new model calculations, the Alps will be particularly hard hit by global warming (Swiss Academy of Sciences). This is one of the reasons why Switzerland is focusing on the topic of climate change during its two-year chairmanship of the Alpine Convention. A final international conference will take place in Brig in the fall of 2022.

Already this year, the Alpine Convention initiated a "Climate Hour" on June 5 to mark the annual World Environment Day. Partners from all Alpine countries organized local events on the topic of climate. The Pfyn-Finges Nature Park also organized a stand at Leuk railroad station as part of this event. Passers-by discovered how the nature park closes regional cycles through its projects and thus also contributes to climate protection: by marketing sustainable products from the region, setting up rental systems such as reusable cup rental, closing material cycles (composting advice), etc.
